Page 3 - CASNews1
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The objectives of this program is:

                                                         To  create  in  the  students,  the  habit  of  morning  sports
                                                           activity, that will allow them to have a healthier lifestyle,

                                                           and that becomes a discipline that they can practice during
                                                           their youth and adult stage.

                                                         Protect  our  students  from  sun  exposure.  Exercising  early
                                                           allows young people not to be exposed to solar radiation

                                                           that we have in this region and is causing so much damage
                                                           to health.

                                                                         From 7:00 a.m. to 7:45 p.m. All students are
                                                                         doing exercises.

                                                                         From 7:45 to 7:55 The students should go to
                                                                         the changing rooms to change their clothes.

                                                                         From  8:00  to  8:10  all  students  go  to  the

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