Page 6 - CAS News 2
P. 6

EL colegio Americano del Sur,

                                           ha  iniciado  un  club  de  reciclaje  que  tiene  como
                                           obje  tivo principal, limpiar las playas de Monterrico y
                                           salvar  la  fauna  marina  que  está  en  peligro  por  la
                                           contaminación de su ambiente.

                                           CAS has started a recycling club whose main objective is to clean the
                                           beaches of Monterrico and save the marine fauna that is in danger due
                                           to the contamination of its environment.

           Hicieron dos viajes a Monterrico y con ayuda de más gente que
           ellos involucraron, recogieron toda la basura que encontraron en

           el área.
           They went twice to Monterrico and, with the help of more
           people that they involved in their project, they collected all the
           trash they found in the area.

                                                Pero todo esto, tiene un fin
                                                educativo.       Al      final,

                                                alimentaron  una  base  de
                                                datos    de     TIDES,    una
                                                organización que promueve
                                                la limpieza de las playas por
                                                medio de estudiantes.

       But all of this has an educational purpose. In the end, they fed their
       information into a database for TIDES, an organization that promotes
       the cleaning of beaches by students.

                   Finally, the results were amazing:                   Al final, los resultados fueron impresionantes.

          Trip 1: 05/15/2019    10 people; 50 pounds of trash      Viaje 1:  15/05/2019   10 personas; 50 libras de basura

          Trip 2: 05/17/2019    7 people; 35 pounds of trash        Viaje 2: 17/05/2019   7 personas; 35 libras de basura
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